Charter of Values

The AI HoWS team are committed to creating a network and events that represent the interests of everyone involved, regardless of whether you are an academic, a policymaker, a representative from industry, a civil servant, a practitioner, an expert with lived experience, or a member of the public.

Everyone should feel like that network and its events provide an environment where their concerns are kept in mind and their contribution feels valued.

With this in mind, we have produced the following Charter of Values that we expect all members of the network, and all attendees of events, to respect and abide by. If you feel like there is something we have missed or there is something you disagree with, please contact one of the network research members and we would be glad to listen to your feedback.

As attendees or members of the AI in Housing, Welfare, and Social Care Network we will...

  • Respect one another's Intellectual Property so that everyone can feel able to share ideas.
  • Respect anyone’s right to keep their involvement with the network anonymous, if they want it to be.
  • Keep anything shared by others within the network or at events confidential unless sharing this information has been agreed beforehand.
  • Commit to involving people with lived experience in all events when possible, and prioritise bursaries for people who may not have institutional financial support, to widen participation and make sure everyone has a chance to contribute.
  • Respect that members and attendees from different disciplines, fields, industries, and backgrounds will have different priorities.